The Affirming Alum Collective is not a crisis resource, and we do not maintain 24/7 access to our social media messaging or email accounts. You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing. If you are in crisis or feel you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741741. There are also LGBTQIA+ focused hotlines and local therapists listed on our resource page


The purpose of the Affirming Alum Collective is to connect current Lee students with alums who are LGBTQIA+ or straight allies. For too long, Lee University has used its conservative theology and rigid policies to silence queer students. The stigma felt as a student often lingers past graduation so that even alum no longer closely affiliated to the school feel pressure to meet and connect in secret. The Affirming Alum Collective is ending that stigma. We are the public face of queer students at Lee University - past, present, and future.We want to support, encourage, and reassure LGBTQIA+ students that they do not need to repent for who they are. Breaking the Community Covenant is not a sin, and neither is being queer. This group is brand new, and we are brimming with ideas for the future. For now, our goal is to be a landing page for current students who need a one-stop shop for pro-LGBTQIA+ resources: books, films, websites, therapists, pastors, theologians, legal representation, plus alums and our stories.

diversity statement

Just like the Lee University student body, the Affirming Alum Collective represents a diverse group. Most of us are members of the LGBTQIA+ community, while others are straight allies. Some of us still identify as Christians, while many no longer claim religious affiliation. We use many labels and terms to identify ourselves and to refer to the LGBTQIA+ community. We strive for inclusivity in our language and actions while recognizing that an identifying label that celebrates one person may be uncomfortable for another. Queer people exist in all types of bodies, and we affirm that disability rights are foundational to equality rights. We also recognize that BIPOC who identify as queer experience multiple layers of stigma that white queer people do not. We acknowledge that white allies must be active participants in dismantling white supremacy. We cannot support LGBTQIA+ students without acknowledging that Black Lives Matter. We ask for grace, flexibility, and accountability in this endeavor to support all Lee students who belong to a gender and/or sexual minority.Lee University was built on land that belongs to the ᏣᎳᎫᏪᏘᏱ Tsalaguwetiyi (Cherokee, East).

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** Press Release: LGBTQIA+ Alumni Outline Approach to Student Acceptance and Safety on Campus *****The Affirming Alum Collective Issues Statement addressing inequality and mistreatment of LGBTQIA+ students at Lee University leading into the Fall Semester. ***Cleveland, TN: Despite repeated attempts to meet with the Lee University administration to discuss concerns about their policies regarding LGBTQIA+ students on campus, no changes were made and the fall semester has started with policies in place that endanger queer students and allies at the University. Recognizing this, the Affirming Alum Collective (AAC) stands ready to advocate for and support students during this time.The AAC has repeatedly outlined how the policies clarified in the spring of 2022 will harm students on campus and impact the mental and physical wellbeing of queer students and allies who are a part of the Lee University community. While the stance of the AAC has been clear, Lee University’s administration has failed to recognize these points and has moved forward with the new semester without any sort of change to these policies. Not only is this harmful to current LGBTQIA+ students on campus, it sets a dangerous precedent at the University and could have severe negative impacts on the quality of education students are receiving.Regardless of Lee University’s unwillingness to address these pressing concerns, the AAC remains committed to lifting the voices of queer students and allies on campus. Though this semester may prove difficult for some who find themselves at odds with these policies, the AAC is dedicated to being a resource for students and will continue to provide support whenever possible. Throughout the semester, the AAC will host events and provide other opportunities for students to become engaged as we work together to create a safe space that is welcoming for all. While Lee University may be willing to brush queer students off to the side, the AAC recognizes the immense value these students bring to the campus community and will continue to advocate for their wellbeing.The Affirming Alum Collective is ready to support students on Lee University’s campus who find themselves at odds with these policies and further affirms our intent to advocate for inclusivity of LGBTQIA+ students in the campus community. Community members who want to get involved in protecting and lifting the voices of queer students on campus can visit the Affirming Alum Collective website at for resources and contact information.About the Affirming Alum Collective: Established in early 2021, the Affirming Alum Collective, or AAC, was created to connect current Lee students with alums who are LGBTQIA+ or straight allies, while also taking active steps to hold the administration of Lee University accountable publicly. The AAC is a registered non-profit organization in the state of Tennessee and the public face of queer students at Lee University - past, present, and future. Our goal is to be a starting point for current students seeking affirmative resources, including books, therapists, local pastors, theologians, legal representation, plus alums and our stories. For more information, please visit Press Release: LGBTQIA+ Alumni Respond to Lee University Policy on Gender and SexualityThe Affirming Alum Collective Issues Statement advocating for current LGBTQIA+ studentsCleveland, TN: In response to recent so-called clarification from Lee University regarding their policies on gender and sexuality, the Affirming Alum Collective (AAC) is issuing the following statement.In a document circulated among faculty and staff in late April 2022, Lee University reemphasized their stance on gender, gender identity, and sexuality. The document outlines Lee University’s expectations on campus which include prohibiting members of the campus community from “using or requesting others to use pronouns that do not correspond to the person’s biological sex … dressing or outwardly presenting as a gender that does not correspond to the person’s biological sex” and banning the act of “publically identifying or behaving as a gender that does not correctpond to his or her biological sex.”This document also bans sexual behavior outside of marriage between one man and one woman, and expressly prohibits displays of affection between members of the same sex. Furthermore, faculty and staff at Lee University are severely limited in their ability to discuss these topics in an open environment and face retribution if they have conversations that are against the new guidelines.To be clear, the policies outlined in the document AAC has received pose a direct and imminent risk to student mental health and wellbeing on Lee University’s campus.According to The LGBTQ+ Student Divide (March 2021), a report on LGBTQ+ students on Christian college campuses by the Religious Exemption Accountability Project and College Pulse:- Nearly half of gender minority students say they do not feel like they belong on their campus.
- Gender minority students are seven times more likely to be sexually assaulted on their Christian campus than cisgender students (14% versus 2%).
-Sexual and gender minority students are 15 times more likely to report that their sexuality or gender identity has prevented them from feeling accepted by others on their college campus compared to their peers.
-Sexual minority students are three times more likely to experience depression and anxiety compared to heterosexual students.
The intent of this formal clarification of policy appears to be a legally substantive restatement of the institution’s social policy which, ultimately, reinforces their ongoing campaign to silence LGBTQIA+ voices on campus. Regardless, the document greatly diminishes the protections these students have in their dorms, classrooms, and campus activities. Lee University has reaffirmed their position that all students are to be treated with dignity and as a person with worth, yet their continued repression of a large group of students on campus via such published guidelines directly contradicts this stance. Students face disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion, simply for expressing their personal identity. We would underscore that a God who makes no mistakes has a plan and a purpose for everyone, and such attempts to silence, hide, or ignore those who don’t fit “guidelines” is to thwart His plan and to squander the diversity of experience LGBTQIA+ students add to the Lee community.Lee University’s new policy is also in violation of Title IX, a civil rights law protecting students from discrimination on the basis of sex and gender. The university receives the majority of its funding from the federal government and is thus pursuing religious exemption retroactively, claiming that it is “controlled by a religious organization,” in order to receive government support in spite of such institutionalized discrimination. This is not the love Jesus taught. It is the legalism He warned against.The Affirming Alum Collective stands ready to support students on Lee University’s campus who find themselves at odds with these policies and advocate for the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ students in the campus community. We take this stand because, while our alma mater currently insists on policies which have a demonstrably negative impact on students, we believe in Lee’s inclusive culture of faith, hope, and love, and we trust that it will prevail.To LGBTQIA+ students and allies of Lee University: we hear you. You are not alone. Though the road to inclusivity and acceptance is long, we affirm that you deserve to feel welcomed and loved on Lee University’s campus.Students in crisis at Lee University who need immediate assistance are urged to seek help from official sources. If in imminent danger, please call 911. If experiencing thoughts of self-harm, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or by texting “HOME” to 741741. Students may also visit for a list of ways to contact a free and confidential counselor. The Affirming Alum Collective website provides other resources as well for those needing support at the Affirming Alum Collective: Established in early 2021, the Affirming Alum Collective, or AAC, was created to connect current Lee students with alums who are LGBTQIA+ or straight allies, while also taking active steps to hold the administration of Lee University accountable publicly. The AAC is a registered non-profit organization in the state of Tennessee and the public face of queer students at Lee University - past, present, and future. Our goal is to be a starting point for current students seeking affirmative resources, including books, therapists, local pastors, theologians, legal representation, plus alums and our stories. For more information, please visit


Contact Us

The Affirming Alum Collective is not a crisis resource, and we do not maintain 24/7 access to our social media messaging or email accounts. You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing. If you are in crisis or feel you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741741. There are also LGBTQIA+ focused hotlines and local therapists listed on our resource page

2021 Petition

Back in April of 2021, members of AAC created this petition for Lee University Administration to hold them accountable for keeping ALL their students safe and making Lee a home for students from all walks of life. The petition has over 800 signatures and is still being signed and supported to this day.

Dear Lee University Students, Administration, and Board of Directors:The below statement is from the Affirming Alum Collective, a collaboration of Lee University alumni. Most of us are members of the LGBTQIA+ community, while others are straight allies. Some of us still identify as Christians, while many no longer claim religious affiliation.Lee University recently clarified its stance on Biblical marriage and the need for repentance. During a livestreamed chapel service on March 11, President Mark Walker reiterated the beliefs of the Church of God and Lee University as outlined in the Community Covenant: that “homosexual behavior” is prohibited by Scripture.President Walker declared the chapel service a Family Meeting “to work out differences.” However, the statements made during this service were and are harmful to queer students: their mental and emotional health; their physical safety; their relationship with the college, the church, and their peers; and their academic success. Lee University has a duty to care for students’ safety and wellbeing, and so we ask that the administration consider the reality of being an LGBTQIA+ student:11-22% of students on Christian campuses identify as non-heterosexual (as reported in Inside Higher Ed, 2021)
One in six adults in Generation Z identify as LGBT (Gallup, 2021)
59% of LGBTQ+ people identified themselves as spiritual and followers of a faith; 48% of those identified as Christian (Pew Research Center, 2015)
8.3% of LGBTQ youth between 19-24 reported attempting suicide in the last year (Trevor Project, 2021)
The Family Meeting continues, this time with the inclusion of our voices. To current LGBTQIA+ students at Lee University: you do not need to repent for who you are. You were created to reflect the Divine Image of God, and the Holy Spirit invites you to live joyfully as your full self. You belong at Lee University, in the church, and at the communion table, just as you are. You already fully embody the love and grace of Jesus Christ.Jesus declares that to inherit eternal life, you must love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. As yourself - which includes your sexual orientation. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. Not Lee University and its administration, not the Church of God, and certainly not who you love and who you are.The pain that exists in this moment will not last forever. There is life after Lee, and our lives as queer alums are evidence that it gets better. After graduation, your path may lead you away from organized religion altogether, or toward affirming religious communities, or somewhere in the vast in-between. Wherever you go, know that we go with you. We’ve got you covered.For more information on affirming theology and denominations, mental health resources, and to connect with the Affirming Alum Collective, please visit:

“Estimate of How Often LGBTQ Youth Attempt Suicide in the U.S.” The Trevor Project. 11 March 2021.
Jones, Jeffrey M. “LGBT Identification Rise to 5.6% in Latest U.S. Estimate.” Gallup. 24 February 2021.
Murphy, Caryle. “Lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans differ from general public in their religious affiliations.” Pew Research Center. 26 May 2015.
Redden, Elizabeth. “Being LGBTQ+ on a Christian Campus.” Inside Higher Ed. 15 March 2021.

©Copyright Affirming alum collective, April 2021, all rights reserved



The Affirming Alum Collective is not a crisis resource, and we do not maintain 24/7 access to our social media messaging or email accounts. You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing. If you are in crisis or feel you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741741. There are also LGBTQIA+ focused hotlines and local therapists listed on our resource page.

local lgbtqia+ support initiatives

Write a letter to Lee Administration

Local Therapists & Personal Growth Providers

Anthony Vernon, MA

Anthony Vernon, MA
423-521-5678 | Website


Blake Feagans, LPC, NCC
423-834-7175 | Website


Charity Muse, LPC, BCC
706-403-6148| Website


**Chas Barnes, LPC, NCC, LPC, NCC **
423-328-8783 | Website


Courtney Edwards, LPC
423-265-7935 | Website


Crystal Hammer Sindler, LMFT
423-298-3250 | Website

Emmy Hovarter, MA NCC

Emmy Hovater, MA, NCC
423-521-5678 | Website

Hannah Holtcamp, MA

Hannah Holtcamp, MA
423-521-5678 | Website


Jas Milam, ATR/BC
423-322-2514 | Website


Jane Neall, LPC
423-756-2894 | Website


Julie Tilley, LMFT
423-910-9112 | Website

Karen Chambless

Karen Chambless, PLP, MA, NCC
423-521-5678 | Website


Julie Brown, LPC, NCC
423-894-3234 | Website


Julie Fickley, MA
423-682-8402 | Website


Juliet Thomas, LPC
423-682-8402 | Website


Keshma Odeny, MA
423-682-8402 | Website


Dr. Kim Eckert
423-682-8402 | Website


Natalie Battles, LCSW
423-682-8402 | Website


Aubrey Perin, LPC-MHSP
423-281-6120 | Website


Dr. Rick Pimental-Habib, PhD, CCH
423-326-7099 | Website

These therapists have been recommended to us but have not been formally vetted by AAC.

Local Affirming Congregations & Clergy

LGBTQIA Support Lines


Text, Instant Messaging also available. More info on their website below.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.


Website and phone number below.

LGBT National Youth Hotline

Free and Confidential peer support for the LGBTQ and questioning community ages 25 and younger.Mondays to Fridays from 1 pm – 9 pm PST
Saturday from 9 am – 2 pm PST


Website and phone number below.

Monday thru Friday from 1PM to 9PM PST
Saturday from 9am to 2pm PST

LGBT National Hotline

The LGBT National Hotline is for all ages."We provide a safe space that is anonymous and confidential where callers can speak on many different issues and concerns including, but limited to, coming out issues, gender and/or sexuality identities, relationship concerns, bullying, workplace issues, HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more. "


Website and phone number below.

True Colors United

True Colors focuses on supporting homeless youth. They have a hotline but you can also reach out to them for other resources.


Website and phone number below.

Pride Institute LGBTQ Dependency

Substance Dependency Organization - Pride Institute offers inclusive and accepting recovery programs for members of the LGBTQ+ community.


Website and phone number below.

Trans Lifeline

"Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people."

General Support Lines


Website and phone number below.

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line is the free, 24/7, confidential text message service for people in crisis.

Text HOME to 741741 in the United States


Website and phone number below.

Teen Line

If you have a problem or just want to talk with another teen who understands, then this is the right place for you!

Text "TEEN" to 839863 between 6:00pm-9:00pm PST to speak with one of our teens


Website and phone number below.

Community Helpline

Community Helpline has been taking crisis calls since 1971, helping callers work through feelings that range from loneliness & depression, to suicide. Our goal is to provide hope and compassion to the caller. As a confidential crisis and referral hotline, we have served the local South Bay community and have grown to serve the entire state of California.


Website and phone number below.

Wellspace Health Crisis/Suicide Prevention

Texting and Instant Chat Messaging available

LGBTQIA+ Christian Based Spiritual Resources

Online Resources:

Affirming Christian Denominations :

Affirming bodies by affiliation:

Books & Film


  • God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines

  • Walking the Bridgeless Canyon by Kathy Baldock

  • Unclobber: Rethinking our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality by Colby Martin

  • Space at the Table by Brad & Drew Harper

  • Transforming by Austen Hartke

  • Mom I’m Gay by Susan Cottrell

  • The Cross in the Closet by Timothy Kurek

  • Outside the Lines: How Embracing Queerness Will Transform Your Faith by Mihee Kim-Kort


  • Equality U

  • Fish Out of Water

  • For the Bible Tells Me So

©Copyright Affirming alum collective, April 2021, all rights reserved